A collaborative sapphic themed zine focused on showing various shades of romance and happiness in sapphic couples.

CHROMAdore's mission is to create a collection of artworks that can bring a smile to someones face! However the intention is not to limit the zine only to fluffy saccharine moments, but rather to explore various nuances of romantic happiness so as to create a zine that can truly be appreciated by a multitude of sapphics!CHROMAdore hopes to achieve this through the use of 3 individually themed sections. The Yellow section, which showcases lighthearted and heartwarming moments, The Blue section, which involves emotional and bittersweet moments, and the Red section, which features passionate and romantic moments.We hope to hear from you soon!
Zine Released! |
Contributor applications
Applications are closed! Thank you very much to everyone who applied!

Head Organizer
"I've wanted to join a sapphic themed zine for a while now" Moments after I tweeted that several others chimed in agreeing, thats when I thought "we're all here, why not just make one then!" so here we are

Consultant / Proof Reader

Application Assistant

Is this an OC only zine? The only focus of the zine is sapphic love! Whether the artist wants to portray their own characters relationships or fandom relationships or a mix of the two is completely up to them!
Will the zine be printed? Unsure! That is the desired goal but if we do not have enough money it will unfortunately just be a PDF
Will contributors be payed? Most likely not. Available funds will go towards getting the zine printed, if there is left over funds however they will be split evenly among contributors and staff!
Would we be allowed to create multiple artworks? Yes! For this zine you're allowed to create a maximum of 3 artworks! You can do one for each section or divvy it up in whatever fashion you like!
If you have a question of your own let us know on twitter!